If you are interested in learning more about Tramp Art I would like to recommend three exceptional books: "Tramp Art One Notch at a Time", "Tramp Art Another Notch, Folk Art from the Heart" and "A Legacy in Tramp Art" all by Clifford A. Wallach. Enjoy these links to see other folk artists work whom I admire as well as some interesting sites to learn more about Tramp Art.
american-artists.com americanfolkcraft.com amesgallery.com donnoyeswhimsicalbirds.com folkartisans.com marygradyobrien.com nicolsayredollshoppe.blogspot.com pinterest.com/october49/tramp-art/ scatteredseedsamplers.blog staceymead.blogspot.com stacynashprimitivedesigns.blogspot.com stammhouse.blogspot.com thedecoratedtree.blogspot.com thepastoraldollmaker.blogspot.com trampart.com www.holidayreproductions.com www.thearttrampdavidschump.blogspot.com