LARGE VIEWS  1   2   3 
Bite Me
Size: 9.5”W x 8”D x 7”H
975.00 (Sold)

“Bite Me” was inspired by the story of Adam & Eve from the Book of Genesis. Made from a vintage cigar box with an apple on the top and a triangular pattern on the sides. The lid lifts open to reveal a lid lined with the opening page of Genesis from a 1700’s Bible. The box also contains two wool felt fig leaves and the words on the bottom of the box are “Bite Me”. The box sits on top of a 48” long snake. The snake is made from vintage bottle caps, wire, metal and paper mache.

Approximately 115 hand-cut and carved pieces of wood were used in creating this one-of-a-kind work of art.

Sold through the AMERICAN FOLK ART MUSEUM shop.